The Budgets of Some of Our Basketball Clubs Are Five Times Larger Than the Budget of the Serbian Olympic Committee! That’s Not Normal!

In Split, they asked me what Croatian sports need to be better. I answered them, “You need Aleksandar Vučić!” Half of the hall applauded, the other half was silent!

Interview by: Robert Čoban

Božidar Maljković met me in the lobby of the “Hyatt Regency” hotel, where he was staying during the Olympic Games in Paris. The evening before, we had met at the “Serbian House” during the celebration of the gold medal in shooting won by Zorana Arunović and Damir Mikec, so we started our conversation on that topic.

It’s interesting how once again the greatest joy for the nation is brought by people like Zorana and Damir in sports that receive the least investment and media attention,” I remarked.

“Do you know how they got the money? We were all sitting with Vučić before the Olympic Games, and he asked, ‘What do you all need?’ Everyone was silent. I said, ‘Hey, shooters! Why are you silent? The shooters need help!’ In France, even racehorses have better conditions than our shooters. These wonderful people achieve the best results with their modest means. Recently, I was in Zrenjanin giving a speech and I said, ‘You people are phenomenal – 24 gold medals and you don’t have water! Maybe we should cut off water in the rest of Serbia so we can have such successes there too!’ Five days before the trip, neither Jelena Arunović nor Mikec’s brother Goran were supposed to go. Then I intervened. Do you know how hard it is to coach your own family? And now everyone is clapping and celebrating after they won the medal.”

Good players cost money. But their benefit to the development of Serbian basketball is minimal

In your speech at the “Serbian House” a few days ago, you mentioned that the budget of the Serbian Olympic Committee is 5 million euros, while the budgets of the basketball clubs “Zvezda” and “Partizan” are each 25 million, five times more. How did you manage to achieve such success, with Serbia being represented by as many as 113 athletes, the highest number since the breakup of the SFRY?

“Well, it’s simply not normal. I understand them; if they don’t buy foreign players and play only with our kids, they will have poor results. Good players cost money. But their benefit to the development of Serbian basketball is minimal. However, when the Olympic Games come around, everyone asks us, ‘Where are the medals?’

Although I’m not a member of any party, I have to say – Vučić helps us a lot and has a great understanding of all our problems, and I praise him from Skopje to Ljubljana wherever I go. I had a presentation in Split at the Medical Faculty. On stage were Jerkov, Rađa, and I. Someone from the audience stood up and asked, ‘Mr. Božo, what does Croatia need to achieve better results in sports?’ And I answered, ‘You need Aleksandar Vučić!’ Half of the hall applauded, the other half was silent. I always speak my mind, no matter where I am. And I am very well-liked in Split.

I used to ask that the “Pionir” Hall be named after Professor Aleksandar Nikolić while his wife Ksenija was still alive. Nothing happened. In 2016, I was sitting in Vučić’s office; he was the Prime Minister. He immediately called Goran Vesić, who was waiting in the next office. On the same day, I received a resolution to name “Pionir” Hall after Aleksandar Nikolić. I also pushed for the Ranko Žeravica Hall in New Belgrade with Šapić in 2016.

When the Olympic Games come around, everyone asks us, ‘Where are the medals?’

How did you like the opening ceremony of the Games?

“I knew the French would do something radically different. Although the ceremony was not to my taste, just like the one at the closing of the Tokyo Olympics, it was a great thing that this opening ceremony showcased all the beauties of Paris. I have had an apartment in this city for over 30 years and I truly consider Paris my own.”

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