The company “Czechoslovak group” bought IMK “14. 0ktobar”

Kruševac-based IMK “14. Oktobar”, a former economic giant who has been bankrupt since January 2016, has got a new owner, the company” SCMG 14. Oktobar d.o.o. Beograd”.

Agreement on the takeover of IMK “14. October” was signed by Zoran Milosavljević on behalf of the Agency for licensing bankruptcy administrators and Vojislav Sparavalo, director of SCMG, daughter company of the Czech corporation Czechoslovak group, which owns large companies such as “Tatra trucks”,”Tatra military vehicles” and “Avia”. “We will symbolically take over the facilities on October 14th, on the Kruševac Liberation Day in World War II, after which the factory took its name, and then we will present the long-term plans for the development of the company to the public,” Sparavalo announced. By taking over the enterprises that produced heavy machinery, excavators and tractors, as well as tanks, SCMG became the owner of IMK “14. Oktobar”, and the production will be launched immediately after obtaining a work permit. On the factory’s payroll there are currently 130 workers, and the new owner is planning to employ another 150 workers by the end of the year.

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