The company Mlekoprodukt starts exporting to the markets of EU countries and China

Great success – for the first time in history, Serbian dairy products on the Chinese market

The company Mlekoprodukt, which operates within the group “Savencia Fromage & Dairy”, received a certificate for export of products to the markets of China and the European Union. Thanks to the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, this is the first time in history that Serbian milk and dairy products can be found in China, which is the largest consumer market in the world. So far, this company has exported within the Balkan countries (Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia).

The General Manager of Mlekoprodukt, Andrej Beslać, pointed out that obtaining an international certificate for the placement of domestic products on the markets of China and the European Union is a great success for this company.

“We are extremely proud that Mlekoprodukt was given a great opportunity in this way to further develop and improve its business and contribute to the improvement of the domestic economy. We also owe great gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture, with the help of whose initiative this great step was made. Our goal is the same, we are working together to preserve existing jobs, but also to create opportunities for new employment in this challenging period. In addition, our plan is to expand the zone of milk purchase and cooperation with producers and farmers. We have invested in the development of our production capacities in order to offer domestic Serbian products to Chinese consumers, as well as to consumers of EU countries”, Beslać pointed out.

The certified products to be exported to China are semi-hard, hard and processed cheeses.

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