The Daily Danas celebrates its 24th birthday

On this day in 1997 the first issue of our newspaper was published

The first issue of Danas was published on this day in 1997. On June 9, 2021, 24 years and 8652 days and number of published issues after, Danas prepared a special birthday issue, gifts, a new design for the web site and the newspaper, as well as a new video advertisement for the readers.

On this day in 1997, newsroom wrote in an editorial: “They say that it is not a good time to start a new newspaper. People are broke, the summer is near, and the news-stands are already overbooked. They are right. They say that it is hard for us, almost impossible, to survive if there is no one behind the newspaper, not government, not opposition, Brussels, Washington, police, white slave traders or grain traders, no businessman with political ambitions. Again, they are right.”

On year 2021. Danas is still coming out, with the same mission, trying to honor all professional standards, and deals with serious and critical journalism, as plotted from day one.

In the past year, the work of the newsroom continued to be a target from highest government officials, as one of the many pressures on the media are numerous lawsuits that came against the content of our newspaper.

Despite that, Danas daily continued the tendency of growth of sold newspapers and website visits. Danas web portal was listed as one of 15 most popular web sites in Serbia, according to data from Gemius audience agency.

Danas newsroom won, in the past year, a reward for ethics and courage “Dušan Bogavac”, that is awarded by Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (NUNS) and “Dušan Bogavac” Foundation. Danas web portal was awarded by magazine PC Press for one of 5 best informative web portals, and in the regional survey organized by Media daily portal won 7th place.

From the previous birthday until today, we have learned how newsroom can function working from home, we have digitized our complete archive from the first issue, but, unfortunately, we lost two our founders. In the past 12 months, the director of Danas, Dušan Mitrović, and the first editor-in-chief, Grujica Spasović, have passed away.

Today, on the occasion of 24 years of existence, the newspaper Danas appeared on the news-stands in a new attire, and we have improved the look of our portal

Today, celebrating 24th birthday, we had a premiere of our new video commercial.

As part of the campaign “Never enough of the reading” Danas will distribute more than 3,000 books by Dan Graf publishing house between May and June. Some of the editions have already been donated to the members of the Danas Readers’ Club (, fans of Book titles, and thanks to the nominations of Danas readers more than 70 libraries in Serbia will enrich their catalog.dnevne novine dAN

Let us remind you that Danas has been operating within United Media since March this year and in the portfolio of the Dan Graf publisher now is City Magazine.

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