The Eternal Shine of Giants of Italian Design

In the year 2016, which will host the XXI Triennial of Milan, we also mark the 90th anniversary of the current seat of the Italian Embassy in Belgrade. On this occasion, the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade organises an exhibition of Italian design giants which will be open from 30th May to 14th June at the Institute’s Salon.

Mostra Mobilia Mostra Luci e Storie del Design Italiano

The exhibition consists of two parts: on the one hand there will be presented drawings from 1926. In the competition for the interior of the Embassy of Italy, won Gio Ponti and Tommaso Buzzi, on the other hand the lamps of Italian
companies that are part of the history of design and are in the collections of museums worldwide. Visitors of the exhibition will be able to see drawings of Gio Ponti and Tommaso Buzzi which were implemented in 1926.

he exhibition of history of Italian design continues with the selection of Italian lamps done by various designers characterised by diversity of materials, elegance of form and functionality, making them works of art. Michele de Lucchi, Giancarlo Fassino, Philip Stark, Feruccio Laviani, Karim Rashid and Mark Sadler, Rodolfo Dordoni, are amogst those who worked for the most famous Italian designer companies: Artemide, Diesel, Foscarini, Kartell, Kundalini. The selection ends with creation of Karim Rashid for the house Kundalini, with Bokka table lamp made of blown glass, a real work of art whose every copy is completely unique.

The organiser of the exhibition is the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade in cooperation with Company Novolux and Sartirana Arte Foundation (Fondazione Sartirana Arte). The exhibition will be open from 30th May to 14th  June 2016, the Italian Institute of Culture, in Kneza Miloša 56. Admission is free.

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