The exhibition “COVOYAGEURS” opened at the French Institute in Belgrade

In the French Institute in Serbia, in the presence of Vladimir Palibrk, author and curator of the exhibition, the exhibition “Covoyageurs” by TKV – Belgrade, Sanja Stojkov, Aleksandar Buncic and Polar Bear Stencil (Paris) was opened.

The “Covoyageurs” exhibition is inspired by the biographies of a number of animals that have played important historical roles in the development of human civilization on a global scale, as well as small local communities and cities. Whether they are companions and helpers of historical personality at the key moments of their careers and advocacy for some general interest, either as actors of large historical and political events, their participation in complex scientific experiments in which people were not allowed to indulge themselves or by a brave initiative in quite unexpected and Risk situations, through history, it often happens that these beings acquire almost human biographies that are written and recounted as part of the official history of the human race.

The exhibition was created through the cooperation of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, the French Institute in Serbia, the Electricity Association and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.

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