The first Corporate Innovation Conference in Serbia answered the question of how to transform innovation into business results

In the organization of ICT Hub, the first Corporate Innovation Conference in Serbia, gathered over 300 representatives of companies and individuals who want to invest in corporate innovations. The conference was officially opened by Dejan Randjic, founder and director of ICT Hub, Dr Nenad Popovic, Minister of Innovation and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Kyle Scott, US Ambassador to Serbia, and Dusan Vukanovic, ICT Hub Innovation and Development Manager.

“According to the Global Innovation Index for 2018, which provides a detailed analysis of the innovation opportunities of a country, measures the results of innovations and evaluates the effectiveness of their performance in relation to the capabilities of that country, we are at the bottom of the list of technologies in the creation of new business models. to become a knowledge economy and to be competitive on the global market, the necessary prerequisites for this are innovation, support for entrepreneurship, and cooperation between corporations and technological start-ups. The fourth industrial revolution is a great opportunity for Serbia and this conference will just focus on such cases – how big and small ones in Serbia can cooperate, and through such a transfer of expertise, methodology, tools, both sides come out as winners, as well as the Serbian economy “- said Dejan Ranđić, founder and director of ICT Hub.

Participants of the conference had the opportunity to hear how innovation was used and transformed into measurable business results, and the best global and local practices were transmitted by their experiments like Elliot Susel, Sonja Kresojevic and Marius Starcke.

The importance of Corporate Innovation Conference in Serbia, ICT Hub’s innovation and development manager Dušan Vukanović said: “The theme of corporate innovation is very important for all traditional companies that want to remain relevant on the market and in the future that brings more and more changes is becoming less and less certain. This conference has brought together a combination of domestic and foreign lecturers who will share their experiences with the representatives of the domestic business sector, and the key themes are the creation of new business models as well as the creation of an internal company culture that supports companies in the way of their innovation. ”

Corporate Innovation Conference was implemented by ICT Hub as part of the Innovation Playground project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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