The first presentation of Japan in Sakura Park

Merging the businesses of Japan and Serbia while enjoying the tastes of Japanese cuisine

The Japanese Business Alliance in Serbia organized an extraordinary gathering in Sakura Park in Belgrade, presenting the specialities of Japanese gastronomy.

H.E. Mr. Takahiko Katsumata, the Ambassador of Japan and chef of the Japanese embassy, ​​Mr. Otsuka

The famous Japanese grilled speciality, Jakitori was prepared by the chef of the Japanese embassy, ​​Mr. Otsuka, for numerous guests from economic and public life, which is the first time that this master chef prepares unique Japanese tastes for the public in Serbia.

Oliver Lepori, Executive Director at Japanese Business Alliance in Serbia, chef of the Japanese embassy, ​​Mr. Otsuka and H.E. Mr. Takahiko Katsumata, the Ambassador of Japan

“Apart from merging the businesses of Japan and Serbia, JBAS is also actively promoting Japanese culture in our country, of which gastronomy is an integral and important part.” We are grateful to H.E. the Ambassador of Japan Takahiko Katsumata and the staff of the Embassy of Japan who supported this extraordinary culinary experience today,”, said Goran Pekez, President of the Japanese Business Alliance in Serbia.

H.E. Mr. Takahiko Katsumata, the Ambassador of Japan and Goran Pekez, President of the Japanese Business Alliance in Serbia

This is also the first presentation of Japan in Sakura Park in New Belgrade, a unique area where Japanese cherry trees in the form of Olympic circles were planted in April 2021 as a sign of eternal friendship between the two countries, donated to the city of Belgrade by JBAS members.

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