The First Socially Responsible Education Facility in Serbia

The Nursing College in Ćuprija helps the most vulnerable groups of students to study at privileged prices, while, at the same time, nurtures a high quality of education that will enable students to later have successful professional careers

The Nursing College in Ćuprija is an accredited, state-run educational facility with a 20-yearlong tradition in educating medical professionals. Its work is regulated by the Law on Higher Learning, and, in line with the Bologna Declaration, the college has six graduate programmes. The college is a socially responsible facility, ran by its director, Professor Christos Alexopoulos, PhD in Medicine, who takes care of his students, and for the first time ever, the most vulnerable student groups. Based on the article 20 of the College’s Articles of Associations, the director passed a Decree on Distribution of Funds for Incentives and Education of Students in Basic Vocational Studies which stipulates a 10% reduction in tuition fees for the school year 2017 / 2018. The Nursing College from Ćuprija directs all of its resources to the jointly coordinated work with students with the aim of harmonizing its curriculum with European standards in order to raise efficiency of studying, the level of knowledge and practical skills with the view of providing comprehensive, high quality, safe care for patients because capable health professionals are the best promoters of health and knowledge. This is corroborated by 6,000 students who graduated from medical schools this year. The College’s director, Professor Christos Alexopoulos has set a clear goal for the Nursing College to become the leader in educating health professionals (specialized nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, pharmacists, radiologists and beauticians

aestheticians), and for the students to use the College’s diploma to advance their professional career and continue with their specialization in health and education facilities, as well as in social protection services both in the country and abroad, where the diplomas of the Nursing College from Ćuprija are highly ranked. The College’s director, Professor Christos Alexopoulos has a vision for the school to reach the level of developed European institutions in this segment through ensuring that the high European standards of studying are continuously implemented, that the school makes a contribution to development of vocational studies, that research activities are constantly developed and improved, and that the school makes an impact on practice and development of health and social protection policies. This entails cooperating with other higher learning facilities, implementing good practices from the region and wider, strengthening the College’s position in the labour market, collaborating with employers, and improving the dual education system which has been implemented together with other healthcare institutions and teaching facilities for years now. The College is recognized for its very advanced international cooperation which is illustrated through professor and student exchange. The Nursing College in Ćuprija is developing its expert, educational and research activities also as a member of the European Nursing Model (ENM). Student exchange is carried out by our students doing their practice in European health institutions, as well as foreign students coming to our Nursing College and its teaching bases. Our school exchanges students with other similar schools in Norway, Switzerland, England, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, Macedonia and Romania. As a partner, our college was involved in the Tempus IV project with schools that are members of the academies from Belgium, Germany and Portugal. Being guided by its motto „Students always come first“, the Nursing College in Ćuprija also marks 8th of November – the Teachers Day in Serbia – in honour of the current and future generations of students. On this occasion, the College’s director, Professor Christos Alexopoulos will sign an agreement on cooperation and establishment of the Union of the Ćuprija Nursing College and High Schools in Pomoravlje county, and organize a conference titled ‘Education – The Only True Way to Safe Future’. Students will also participate in a literary competition. On 6th November 2017, Professor Christos Alexopoulos received the Captain Miša Anastasijević Award in the Jagodina Town Hall for the contribution towards improving standards in education. This award provides an additional impetus for further continuous improvement in quality of education, extension of infrastructural and technical capacities, widening of the network of teaching bases, and boosting cooperation with other higher learning facilities.

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