The first Women’s Cyber Forum: Launching Careers in Cyber Space Conference takes place in Belgrade

A conference dedicated to raising public awareness about the role of women in information technology

The first Women’s Cyber Forum: Launching Careers in Cyber Space Conference in Belgrade was held on Thursday, September 19t, at the Belgrade City Hall. The aim of the conference was to raise awareness about the role of women in information technology, encourage women and young people to work in technology as the most promising segment today, but also to provide information on the latest trends and current challenges in the field of information security.

The conference host, Diana Gligorijević, Vice President of the Women’s Cyber Forum Association and Marketing Director of TeleGroup, pointed out, at the outset, that the time we were living in was the time of innovation. “This educational and technology conference aims to enhance and support the human capital that represents the greatest value of the future. As a company that has always invested in education of not only its employees, but also users in almost all market verticals in our region, it is especially important for us to use digital tools that are a powerful driving force which upgrades classic education to new online models that will provide education to both women and young people regardless of the location and time, thereby qualifying them for new jobs of the future. ”

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