The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance commends the Government and the Parliament for adopting the Law on Staro Sajmište

Following the adoption of the Law on the Staro Sajmište Memorial Centre, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) has commended the Serbian Government and the National Parliament and their efforts to preserve the memory of members of the Serb, Jewish and Roma communities killed in the Staro Sajmište concentration camp.


Ambassador Georges Santer, chairman of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), said in a press release that the Serbian citizens deserved to have an authentic site in memory of the Holocaust crimes, such as Staro Sajmište and Topovske Šupe. 


The full statement is as follows: „The IHRA commends the Serbian government and the Parliament – which supported the relevant law without any votes against – for their efforts to preserve the memory of the Serbian, Jewish and Roma communities murdered at Staro Sajmište. Memorial sites play a crucial role in educating current and future generations about the historical facts and causes of the Holocaust while honouring the memory of the victims and survivors. The Serbian people deserve an authentic site of remembrance for the crimes of the Holocaust and so safeguarding memorial sites, such as Staro Sajmište and Topovske Šupe, is a necessity and obligation for all of our member countries, and the IHRA and its experts will continue to support Serbia with advice and expertise during the implementation phase of the law.”


Ambassador Georges Santer, Chairman of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), made an official visit to Staro Sajmište and Topovske Šupe in Belgrade in September 2019 and held official meetings with senior Government officials and the Mayor of Belgrade, asking the Serbian government to expedite its plans and define a timeline for the preservation of the Holocaust site at Staro Sajmište and Topovske Šupe.


The IHRA is an intergovernmental body whose purpose is to unite governments and experts to strengthen, promote Holocaust remembrance, research and learning, in support of the 2000 Stockholm Declaration commitments. Following the recommendations from the IHRA plenary session in 2015, the IHRA focuses on preserving Holocaust-related places in all member countries and beyond.

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