The largest number of HD channels and faster Internet with SBB

The most popular domestic and foreign channels are an integral part of the SBB offer, which is now enriched with more quality content and new channels in high definition (HD). In addition to the IDJ HD channel which began in November, SBB adds three new HD channels – Qyou, iConcerts and Trace Urban and enriches every TV package with additional HD channels. So starting Silver package has up to 8 HD channels, instead of the previous 4. Gold 22, Gold 42 extra, a Gold premium 47 SBB once again confirms the position of the largest HD platform in the country with by far the largest selection of channels in high definition (HD). In order that all users of digital television could follow channels of high-resolution, SBB will be, until February, doing free replacement of all boxes that do not support broadcast channels in HD to HD boxes, which represents the company’s full transition to HD platform next year.


In 2017, with even faster Internet
Last year SBB has increased the initial speed Internet to 30 Mbps, which is three times higher speed than the average in Serbia. In the first quarter of 2017. Our largest cable operator announces an even faster internet, which will further strengthen its leading position in the market of cable Internet.

New HD channels

Tthe incredible, inspiring and entertaining Internet video clips from around the world, will be found 24/7 on channel QYou. Trace Urban brings the latest hits and news for all fans of R & B and hip-hop music. With iConcerts you will watch concerts of most famous mega stars and the biggest music legends of our time, DJ sets in open festivals, mythical performances, documentaries from backstage and exclusive interviews recorded around the world. These three channels will be promotional and unlocked all users to 15/01/2017.


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