The new silk road and the regional cooperation of the West Balkans

On the second day of the International Scientific Conference “Initiatives of the ‘’New Silk Road – achievements and challenges’’ organised by Institute of International Politics and Economics from Belgrade (IIPE), one of the speakers was Katarina Jonev, expert for cyber security policies. With her colleagues from Military Academy professor Hatidža Beriša and Igor Barišić, she presented paper ”The new silk road and the regional cooperation of the West Balkans”.

-It was a true pleasure and honour to take part on scientific conference organised by Institute of International Politics and Economics from Belgrade (IIPE) which is one of the oldest institutes in South Eastern Europe. It was more than useful to share experience with the experts from round the Europe about potential benefits that this region can have with cooperation with People’s Republic of China.

What was the crucial point of your presentation?

-In my opinion, project ‘’One belt, one road’’ can only bring improvements and benefits to our country. After all, China’s most important regional relations are with Serbia. The two countries are working to raise their strategic partnership to a new level. Most of projects between two countries are focused on the economy, investment, infrastructure, energy and cultural exchanges. These results are considered as the great importance. Serbia is also hoping to further attract Chinese investments. A closer relationship with China will also bring more to Serbia’s economy and also reconstruction of the infrastructure. In financial terms, according to some estimates, the project could be more than 12 times bigger than the Marshall Plan created by the US to aid Western Europe after WWII. ‘’One Belt, One Road” has a huge potential. The rationale of the project is global connectivity and I see Serbia as a important partner to PRC on Balkan and this part of the world and the questions of cyberspace and cyber security are crucial in this ever more interconnected world.


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