The Secondary School of Education in Rakovica got new toilets

The secondary vocational school in Rakovica got new toilets thanks to Unilever and their socially responsible action “Domestos – Clean Five for Hygiene”.

Reconstruction of the toilet began in 2015 when two of the four, which were completed this summer, were renewed.
In this way, Unilever contributed to better conditions for the education and daily stay of pupils at the Central Craft School in Rakovica, attended by 240 students with developmental disabilities.

“I am very pleased that the Domestos Campaign – Clean Five for Hygiene – has contributed to the improvement of the overall hygienic conditions at the Central Craft School in Rakovica. However, this is not the end. Unilever, one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, continues to take care of the local community and those who need help most. Given that in every two minutes the world shifts one child from illnesses and infections caused by poor sanitation in the world, our global goal is to help 25 million people by 2020 to gain improved access to toilets. In this connection, in the upcoming period we will donate Domestos universal cleaning agent to every elementary school in Serbia. We want the Domestos campaign to be implemented and promoted in the coming years in order to contribute to the development of the community in which we operate, “said Dobrivoje Milovanovic, director of Unilever Beograd, a company that through its business activities constantly contributes to the development of the community in which it operates.

The “Domestos – Clean Five for Hygiene” campaign promotes the importance of maintaining hygiene among young people and helps schools in Serbia to keep cleanliness at the highest level.

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