All the kids this Saturday, September 2, from 11 am to 2 pm at the Cvetni Square in Belgrade, will be able to see for free what life looked like on the ancient Olympus. What was at the table of the Greek gods, why the nectar was a drink reserved only for the highest deities and what is a modern counterpart, and what children can learn from the theatre of the ancient Helade today, the youngest Belgraders will have the opportunity to learn in this a unique event organised by BITEF.

This year, together with the Maxi supermarket, BITEF tried to make the youngest fellow villagers interlink with nutrition, theatre and everyday life in the Forum Theater, which will be especially designed for this occasion. The “Godly” snacks by authentic olympic recipe for all boys and girls will be prepared by famous chef Nenad Veljković, and instead of the sound of harp, the little ones will have fun with the music of modern gods. We all remember the image of the clouds at the tops of Olympus, from which the gods emerged in ancient Greece, and this time all children will have the opportunity to paint themselves the most beautiful olympic clouds on the big screen that BITEF prepared for them only and thus become a part of BITEF mythology. Finally, BITEF Dance Company prepared a special surprise for why it would be clear to both the youngest and the parents that it was nice to live in the time of ancient theater and ancient Olympus.

The event Olimpionica in Cvetni Square is just one of the programs that will mark the 51st BITEF, and this year BITEF, with the support of Maxi supermarket, made sure that the first in a series of BITEF activities is dedicated to the youngest, because it is never too early for culture.

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