The story of Sakiet Sidi Youcef – the duty of remembrance

Embassies of the Republic of Tunisia and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in Serbia, together with the Associations of Friendship between Serbia-Tunisia and Serbia-Algeria respectively, organized an event to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the bombing of the village of Sikiat Sidi Youcef and to launch the second edition of the book “The Story of  Sakiat Sidi Youcef”, by Miloje Popovic Kavaja on February 27, 2020, in the Defense Media Center.

H.E. Seyf-Allah REJEB the Ambassador of Tunisia, Mrs Latifa Trai, Chargée d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Algeria, Mr. Dragomir Karic, member of the Parliament and sponsor of this new edition of the book as well as the autor Mr. Miloje Popovic addressed the large audience gathered on the occasion. The moderator of the event was Mr. Marko Jelic, President of the Association of Friends of Algeria and publisher of the book.

Recalling the appalling event which caused the death of dozen of innocent people of which 11 pupils and the destruction of village including the school, the speakers underlined the importance of solidarity and believes in values such as justice and freedom.

State secretary of the Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information, Serbian Ombudswoman for Gender Equality, Ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Serbia, media and many friends of Algeria and Tunisia were present on the event.



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