The Swiss company Regent Lighting Starts Building Factory of Lighting Elements in Svilajnac

Photo by Katerina Sysolyatina on Unsplash

The Swiss company Regent Lighting has started building a factory of lighting elements in Svilajnac, on 6,000 m2, where it plans to employ over 100 highly educated experts, which will also act as support to the parent company in Basel.

Regent is already working in Svilajnac, on a rented area of 1,000 m2, and with an additional 6,000 m2, it plans to later build as much.

In Veliko Polje, one of the two industrial zones in Svilajnac, four foreign companies are already working “which are among the most successful companies in their fields, and Regent, a giant in the lighting sector, will strengthen the position of Svilajnac as the economic leader of this part of Serbia,” said the president of the municipality, Predrag Milanovic.

Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG, with their headquarters in Basel, has approximately 600 employees in six countries, are the market leader in Switzerland and one of the leading manufacturers in Europe. Our products are sold internationally through our distribution partners in 35 countries around the world.

Source: eKapija

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