The Tough Club: For those who can

The Tough Club, a company that offers foreign and local tourists the opportunity to spend from 1 to 8 days in nature by working unusual adrenaline activities. Their instructors, who mostly come from the 63 Parachute unit from Niš, with a lot of attention and experience, teach the students to descend down the cliff (abseiling), tactical training using AirSoft guns, rafting, canyoning, jumping from aircraft, martial arts, and many other adrenaline activities. We talked to Mr Borislav Ćosić, founder and director of TTC.

How has The Tough Club made the progression to adrenaline Team Building?

– Team building is more than just a fun break away from your desk which is forgotten when you return to work. The Tough Club have developed a unique approach to team development which has long lasting results, empowering individuals, inspiring participants to overcome obstacles together, supporting one another naturally. Our highly skilled trainers and coaches use a combination of skills and phycology to set challenges which can only be overcome by teamwork and trust, encouraging collaboration by combining individual strengths to provide better overall team results. In essence we aim to help companies achieve tangible results, to boost morale, improve innovative and creative thinking, remove barriers and increase employee motivation. We aim to help clear the negative energy that gets built-up in a workplace and replace it by pure, natural, positive energy that is best infused in an outdoor setting. Motivation theories are put into practice, with everyone being encouraged to push themselves beyond their comfort zone. Using adrenalin activities, we explore your teams’ attitude to risk, and the importance of leadership. supported in a safe, environment.

How do the activities act on team cohesion?

– Social activities outside of the work zone which bring a group of people together can be considered useful bonding activities. However, this differs from our team building activities which can create extremely long-lasting leadership skills and everlasting bonds. We set tasks which support individual learning and shared experiences which create a spark that stays with them long after the event, better preparing them for challenges life throws at them.

What is the breakdown / ratio / of foreign to local How many?

– Globally we all need to de-stress and detached ourselves from our busy everyday routines. Most of us race along on a fast track of concrete, glass and metal, where we rarely get time to stop to connect with nature and re-energize. The Tough Club aims to combine the natural energy infusion with the right activities and you get an unbreakable cohesion! The feeling of walking barefoot on the ground, breathing fresh air, dipping your hands in a cold mountain stream, laughing out loud, connecting to a fellow human face to face. We bring you back to that state, to replenish your energy and focus, to clear the slate, to detox, to help getting your life rebooted. Whilst many locals will enjoy the activities and share our vision, we attract a large proportion of foreign visitors to experience the hospitality and vast natural regions that can only be found in Serbia.

Does TTC believe it contributes to the leader of tourism & eu?

– The Tough Club offers visitors opportunities to travel to remote areas of Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina that provide some of the most beautiful natural surroundings this region has to offer. We market to the trend of those seeking action-packed adventure holidays in amazing destinations. Whether they want a challenge to test their physical and mental strength or simply want a once-in-a-lifetime experience that they will never forget, we’ve got it all and then some. Our UK partner and Head of business development runs our international sales and marketing, working with adventure travel agencies, outdoor survival camps, martial arts, equestrian centers and tactical training agencies, introducing and inviting them to partner with us in order to experience our unique packages and work with them to bring their members to participate in our activities. We work as a responsible team of tour operators, who are equally passionate about creating experiences which will benefit our local culture and traditions. We care deeply about the environment and are committed to the responsibility of respectful travelling in a way that positively impacts the people and places we visit, leaving only footsteps and the pristine wilderness untouched. We’ve worked hard to ensure we are welcomed in the places we love to visit. For the past 20 years I have led my martial arts groups on experience holidays, spending time perfecting our skills and detoxing from city life and learning survival techniques. The Tough Club idea has grown and expanded from these holiday retreats and we now welcome people from all over the world to come enjoy, learn, face their demons and grow. Our main groups of activities are military inspired training and our adrenaline nature selection.


Is it true that you are considered to be special units in civilian?

– You could say we are civilian special forces! Our instructors have a long-standing military background and we have a long lasting cooperation with the Security Innovation Centre of the Belgrade University where members of our team are also involvedinthe Centre for training professional bodyguards. The Tough Club vision is to create a global tribe of like-minded people in search of adventure, adrenalin and self-betterment though physical and mental training and to have participants come from all around the world to have fun and make their life better along with the rest of our team. Our presentation and brand values communicate with people beyond country borders. We do believe we contribute to the development of adventure travel in Serbia and will continue to do so in the years to come.

The Tough Club mission is to provide an adrenaline seekers club where like-minded members can grow through adventure, adrenalin, development and fun

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