The Harbour Management Authority, in cooperation with the UN Development Program (UNDP), launched the project “Wake up the Danube” aimed at developing domestic line traffic and cruising on international passenger ports on the Danube.

The project will contribute to the development of the cities in this area, which will be mapped out on the European Tourist Map. “2017. In the nautical season, there were almost 1000 berthing of passenger ships, and we recorded an increase in the total number of landings by 5%, compared to 2016. There are more and more ships with a stronger categorization and the number of stars on our dock. It is estimated that Serbia could earn several tens of millions of euros annually from domestic and foreign sailors, numerous tourists and the economic development of local governments, when nautical tourism on the Danube would come to life in full shine “- estimates Vuk Perović, director of the Agency for Ports Management of the Republic of Serbia. The project “Wake Up the Danube” promotes the natural and cultural heritage of Smederevo, Donji Milanovac, Kladovo, Golupac, Kostolac and Veliko Gradište and the huge potential that opens with the development of water transport and tourism of the lower Danubia region.

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