The winners of the first UniCredit Hackaton

UniCredit, in cooperation with ABC Accelerator, launched the first UniCredit Hackathon in CEE, a global competition held in Ljubljana on September 2 and 3, 2017.

The programmers, representatives of Fintech Start-ups and software companies joined forces with UniCredit employees who applied for the initiative and formed 12 international teams. The participants were from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey and even Japan. Relying on the new regulation, according to which all financial institutions of the European Union will have to provide access to data from their clients’ accounts, the challenge of Hackathon was: “How to create value using the information about client accounts?” That practically means that the teams had the task to develop, for example, an application or platform for analysing client data in order to provide better customer experience. The winning teams were announced on Sunday, September 3, at the end of an intense two-day competition, and the first prize was 5000 euros each.

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