The world-renowned Feng Shui expert Marie Diamond will hold a workshop at the Belgrade hotel 88 Rooms on December 15th

Marie Diamond is a secret to the success of Hollywood stars and multimillionaire

The “Secret of Success” workshop in Belgrade will be organized as an all-day event, which includes 8 hours of education, work and good energy. Event is organised by the Center for Personal Development “LEPO MIJE” (I FEEL GOOD). Representatives of embassies and diplomatic corps who are already familiar with her previous work were invited to the workshop.

Marie Diamond is known all over the world, above all as an expert in Feng Shui, but her life and work are much more than that. Her clients are Steven Spielberg, Rolling Stones and other stars of American film, music and business. After her work with them, they began to conquer Oscar, numerous awards and progress in their career and business. He is the author of a special Feng Shui system that goes beyond the basic principles of this skill and includes the fields of science and tradition, a lecturer at the world’s largest events concerning personal development and motivation and the author of several books.

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