As part of social responsibility programme “Common Cause Community”, since 2009, NIS has invested around 1.4 billion dinars in development of local communities and the company carried out more than 1,000 projects

There are many things that distinguish us from each other, but there’s one thing we all have in common – the planet Earth. Its protection and preservation of natural resources are the goals around which individuals, organizations and states should gather. Large companies have a special responsibility in this area, since have the opportunity to really make a positive difference because of their capacities. This is exactly the case with NIS, which has been investing significant funds in a greener future and environmental protection for years.
As part of social responsibility programme “Common Cause Community”, NIS has invested around 1.4 billion dinars in development of local communities and the company carried out more than 1,000 projects since 2009. In this current year, the company is focused on investments in environmental protection, and will invest RSD 107.5 million in environmental projects in 12 municipalities and cities of Serbia. This will be a continuation of NIS’ partnership with local communities in our country, but it will also raise cooperation with the Ministry of Mining and Energy and with the Ministry of Environmental Protection to a new level, after NIS and the Ministries signed the Cooperation Memorandum on the implementation of these projects on June 10th.

NIS Company’s investments in municipalities and cities participating in the “Common Cause Community 2021” Programme will be focused primarily on projects for improvement of energy efficiency, replacement of existing boilers and transfer to more environmentally acceptable fuel, park landscaping, as well as replacing the lighting with environmentally friendly and cost effective LED lighting. By introducing a solar power and lighting system, replacing part of the energy system with a solar one, installing a solar roof and lighting the courtyards of buildings, NIS will put the use of solar energy in the service of a greener future for all the citizens of Serbia.
The famous Russian writer Lav Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that one of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken
These projects will be implemented in 12 cities and municipalities in Serbia where the company conducts most of its business activities – Belgrade, Novi Sad, Požarevac, Niš, Čačak, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Kikinda, Kanjiža, Novi Bečej, Srbobran and Žitište. The company will round up their fight for a cleaner and healthier environment through projects for improvement of city parks and green surfaces between residential buildings, by planting indigenous plant species, through installation of innovative ecological park elements, solar lighting of the park, as well as by placing recycling bins and containers.

The famous Russian writer Lav Nikolaevich Tolstoy said that one of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken. Socially responsible companies, such as NIS, recognize this aware that none of us can make such big steps to protect the environment alone as we can all do it together. For that reason, in addition to being a great contribution to the environmental situation in Serbia, activities of NIS Company also serve as a good example to citizens, but also to other companies, of how they can help the community where they do business and leave a better world for generations to come.