True friends do not wait for “seen“ to see each other!

* Nestlé Research conducted a survey among young people aged 15 to 25 in Serbia on the topic of friendship and it showed that:

  • Young people spend about the same proportion of free time, a quarter of the day, the online communication with friends and drinking coffee, or going to lunch with friends
  • More than half of young people in Serbia have two or three very firm friends
  • 68 percent of respondents would choose friendship above love, and the same percentage believe that the Internet can find you love
  • 92 percent of young people would relinquish Facebook for the sake of going for coffee with friends
    • A third of respondents sometimes knocks messages on the phone while drinking coffee with friends

NESCAFÉ 3u1_#PraviPrijatelji_Dragan Ilić i Aleksandar Milković Sale_01

True friends do not wait to be “seen” to see each other, true friends are liking each other live, real friends are chatting live, real friends do not share photos but they share memories live – it was concluded within the framework of discussions on the theme of friendship which mark a new campaign called NESCAFÉ 3in1 #PraviPrijatelji organised by the company Nestlé. On this occasion, Dragan Ilić, the famous radio and TV presenter and a psychologist and Aleksandar Milković Sale, actor, stand up comedian and the trademark face of the campaign presented the results of research from 2016 on the theme of friendship, carried out by GfK on a sample of 400 participants aged 15 to 25, for the whole of Serbia.

NESCAFÉ 3u1_#PraviPrijatelji_Atmosfera sa medijskog druženja NESCAFÉ 3u1_#PraviPrijatelji_Aleksandar Milković Sale_glumac_stand up komičar i lice kampanje #PraviPrijatelji
Research shows that as many as 94% of young people in this age group active on one of the social networks or using applications to communicate, and that the Facebook profile has as many as 93% of them. However, young people spend roughly the same proportion of free time, a quarter of the day, the online communication with friends and sipping coffee or going to lunch with friends. On the other hand, the question “How many people you are actively in contact with Facebook?” The answer “one to nine,” found 10% of respondents, while 17% said they have contact with the “10-14”, “15-24” “50-99″ and” over 100″ friends, out of 500 on their profiles has 94%. Also, 42% of respondents, mostly women, had never sent requests for Facebook friendship to someone you do not know personally, while 15% of respondents, mostly male, added an unknown person on the social network more than 25 times.

NESCAFÉ 3u1_#PraviPrijatelji_Rezime istraživanja NESCAFÉ 3u1_#PraviPrijatelji_Dragan Ilić i Aleksandar Milković Sale_01 NESCAFÉ 3u1_#PraviPrijatelji_Dragan Ilić_radijski i TV voditelj i psiholog
The question is – how much are these friendships really strong? If we take into account that even 92% of the respondents said they would give up Facebook account for the sake of drinking coffee with friends, they are. Friendship is especially cherished in eastern Serbia, would, according to the survey, the average young person “give their blood” for five friends, which is above average compared to other parts of our country, where the figure is two to three.
However, there has been a trend that when the time is set aside for friends, young people often respond to messages by phone, one-third of them, according to a survey of Nestlé. The eternal dilemma of “love and friendship” tipped the scales in favour of friendship, with 68% of young people, and the same number of respondents believe that the Internet can find you love. It is interesting that 23 percent of young people have found at least one love over the Internet.

* The study titled “Friendship module”, was made in November 2016 for the company Nestlé, the GfK conducted it on a sample of 400 participants aged 15 to 25, for the whole of Serbia and on the sample with  equal percentage of male and female population

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