“UNBREAKABLE”, a campaign for preserving mental health

The Hemofarm Foundation in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy of Belgrade and supported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia has launched a national campaign for preserving mental health and fighting the growing depression called “UNBREAKABLE”.

The campaign was launched on 19th April as a teaser with the message “BEWARE, FRAGILE “ on billboards within AQ media network in 18 towns in Serbia, with the aim  to raise awareness of the public about the importance of prevention and protection of mental health. Creative designs were made by New Moment New Ideas Company.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the entire world.  We can say that it has taken us by surprise, frightened us, and prevented us in engaging in our daily activities.

Anxiety and depression caused by the current situation are prevalent in all age and social groups.  Stress, uncertainty, free movement restrictions, isolation, fear of getting disease and losing a job as well as economic insecurity have impact on people’s mental health all over the world.

As the minister of health, Zlatibor Lončar, says “mental health is equally important as physical health, and the significance of the national campaign “Unbreakable” is reflected precisely in various forms of support which will be provided to the citizens of Serbia within this campaign.”

It is estimated that the impact of the pandemic will be long-term and substantial and that the number of mental disorders around the world will be growing.  We are exposed to negative news and information on a daily basis and, therefore, it is important to preserve our mental health and calmness as much as possible.  We can do it in different ways, depending on what we prefer and what makes us happy.

“In order to preserve mental health, you should put yourself first and learn to be satisfied with that decision without feeling remorse.  Healthy individuals can contribute more to the world and they need to be healthy for themselves in the first place and then for their partners, children, local community, and society. Be selective about what you read, watch, and listen to: from news, films, books, to conversations with people and your surroundings.  Connect yourself with nature, spend more time with people you like,  and set small, yet achievable goals, which will be significant steps towards some great achievements”, says Sanja Pešić, CEO of Alma Quattro.

Within “Unbreakable” campaign citizens will have 24/7 support on free hotline 0800/001 002.  Everybody who wishes to join the campaign can do so via website www.nesalomivi.rs, where they will find blogs of psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, texts and videos of personal stories of those who fighting depression, advice of experts, and the address book of institutions for mental health care in the territory of Serbia.

The campaign has been supported by many institutions, companies, organisations, and media.

We are witnessing numerous heroic deeds and acts of health professionals as well as individuals and organisations.  We can preserve both mental and physical health with joint efforts, solidarity, care for our environment, and faith in a better future.  And we can certainly do it.

Therefore, you should also become UNBREAKABLE and make your own contribution to the fight against depression.

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