UniCredit Bank and EBRD support Women in Business

Long-term partners, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and UniCredit Bank Serbia, presented the Women in Business programme at a press conference attended by a special advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister for Gender Equality, prof. Branka Drašković and hosts from the two institutions mentioned.

The goal of the Women in Business programme is to increase access to finance and provide advisory services for women entrepreneurs. Under this programme, the EBRD provides a €5m line for lending to small and medium-sized enterprises run by women, with the first risk of loss and technical support covered. Companies will have increased access and funding opportunities, as well as more favourable prices, lower security and professional support, which will be provided by the EBRD Small Business Advisory Programme. Funds are approved for working capital and investments with an annual interest rate ranging from 2.7% and a maximum amount of up to 500.000 euros, in dinar countervalue.

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