UniCredit Bank approves credit products after the first salary

With the desire to support young people and help them step into the new life period, UniCredit Bank created the first job offer that allows all those who are just starting their business career to be granted the permitted overdraft on account after the first salary and Mastercard Flexia credit card.

Namely, the offer “First job” is intended for all those who have completed college or some of the vocational schools in the last 12 months and have signed a contract for work for a fixed or indefinite period, and received the first salary in the account opened with UniCredit Bank. For everyone, whose first time job is for a certain period of time, UniCredit Bank approves the allowed overdraft per account up to the amount of one net salary, up to 50,000 dinars, while those who obtain first-time employment, and besides this product, also have Mastercard Flexia credit card. In this case, both products are approved in the amount of one net salary, so that the sum does not exceed the amount of 120,000 dinars.

 the date stated in the employment contract.

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