UniCredit Bank donated a Smart Bench to the inhabitants of Belgrade’s Students City

As of yesterday, all inhabitants of Students City can use „Strawberry Smart bench“ that UniCredit bank donated. Powered by solar energy, this modern urban mobile mobilier provides a free WiFi and charge for mobile devices with built-in cables, USB ports and wireless chargers. In addition to these functionalities, data on the amount of CO2, noise, air, and temperature and air pressure in the environment are collected. Regardless of winter, Smart Bench has a power storage system, so it works both during cloudy weather and the night.

These solar benches have not only the role of mobile chargers, they encourage people to interact thank to and inventive technologies. Namely, the advantage of these benches is also reflected in their social aspect, since surrounded by the same need in the public space, the users turn these solar stations into unique places of gathering and socializing which motivate them to think about the benefits of renewable energy sources.

Csilla Ihasz, chairwoman of the Management Board of UniCredit Bank has stated: “Company Strawberry Energy, was led by the students in the moment when we supported them through competition Idea for better tomorrow, back in 2012. At that moment we have recognized enormous energy and creativity in these young people, who managed to place their solar devices all around the world. We are convinced that Smart bench will create greater community feeling in this public space, as users will be motivated to chat and spend more time outdoors. This is another milestone in supporting Belgrade to keep the pace with other Smart Cities around the world.”

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