VII Organic competition of NLB Banka Beograd

For the seventh year in a row, NLB Bank launched a competition for the best projects in the field of organic food production and processing.

As the quality and number of registered producers are constantly increasing, the prize fund of 1,500,000 dinars this year will be evenly distributed to three winning projects. The competition lasts from March 1 to May 20, 2018, and the right to participate is by agricultural producers who have registered agricultural holdings, have been certified either in the process of certification for organic production. Participation is also enabled for producers who are in the system of control through a group certificate, or who have a contract with the organizer of the production that owns the certificate. More detailed information on the competition and the project preparation form are available at the following link:, and you can also be informed in all branches of NLB Banka as well as through the Contact Center.

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