Vladimir Milović, CEO of Dijamant: We can boast of responsible politics

Sustainable management and environmental protection are key values that we nurture in Dijamant while being aware that by working together we can change society for the better

We spoke with Vladimir Milović, CEO of Dijamant and Oil Group Fortenova Grupa, about the importance of environmental protection and in which way Dijamant, a food industry leader, generates 85% of the energy it uses in production from its own resources.

Vladimir Milović, CEO of Dijamant and Oil Group Fortenova Grupa

How important is environmental protection for the future?

Sustainable management and environmental protection are key values that we nurture in Dijamant while being aware that, by working together, we can change society for the better. We believe that, as a company with a long tradition, we have the role of initiator of ideas while being obligated to offer a solution and be a good example of a socially responsible business. Our task is to assess and view all the activities that have a negative impact on the environment and to act preventively concerning them while developing public awareness of this topic’s importance. Certainly, environmental protection is becoming increasingly important for societies and companies, while the ways to more effectively contribute to environmental protection are becoming an integral part of their business strategy.

How does the Dijamant Company contribute to environmental protection? 

As both representatives and leaders in the food industry, product quality and, of course, safety are of primary importance to us, while we are also putting effort into keeping our production waste on premises so it can be used further. Raw materials, as a byproduct of our production process, become animal feed, fertilizers and biomass used in energy production. A source generated in this way is the basis for the implementation and adherence to the circular economy and sustainable development, which ends one cycle and starts another. On the other hand, the issue of water and responsible behaviour towards this precious resource in Dijamant has been solved by having special and improved management systems in place, which ensure better treatment of organic materials that end up in those waters. To reduce the release of pollutants into the environment as much as possible, we use a system of electrostatic precipitators for the purification of flue gas from powdery substances in boilers.

“In the next period, we plan to use solar panels to reach 100 percent of energy consumption from sustainable sources”

We are proud of the fact that we are implementing a responsible policy which we have been upholding in this segment because, in addition to byproducts that are created from the regular work process, products that are given the waste status are also a valuable source of organic matter for energy generation. Dijamant withdraws its expired products and those that for any reason are no longer suitable for retail as food from large supermarket chains in Serbia, which are then sent to biogas plants for further processing.

How important is environmental protection for your brand image?

Every modern company, that wants to be seen as socially responsible, must be the initiator of campaigns that change the environment. The topic of environmental protection is an important segment of market presence and provides added value to the consumer, the brand and the company itself. A responsible brand uses its strength, influence and position in society to point to and offer a solution through social engagement. Dijamant has a decades-long business tradition during which it has developed trusted brands, which gives us the credibility to open important topics in society. Today, consumers are more environmentally aware than ever before and want brands and companies that will stand out and with which they will connect and share common values.

What are Dijamant’s plans regarding the implementation of the Green Agenda?

We view the implementation of the Green Agenda as an opportunity for new investments that will improve the company’s results in the environmental segment. In addition to continuous control of the entire production process, and adhering to the sustainable development policy, we are working on reducing the weight of our plastic packaging. Currently, Dijamant uses over 85% of the energy for production from its own resources by utilizing boilers that operate on sunflower husk, which is a byproduct of our work process. In the next period, we plan to use solar panels to reach 100 percent of energy consumption from sustainable sources. Of course, environmental protection and doing business in accordance with relevant environmental regulations are our company’s main priorities and our market presence.

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