Cory Wong will perform in Belgrade with his band for the first time in November


One of the most successful rhythm guitar players of today, and a member of the sensastion „Vulfpeck“, guitarist Cory Wong, will perform with his band in Belgrade on November 7th at the famous Bitefartcafe club as part of the, now regional concert series, Musicology Barcaffe Sessions.

Cory was born in New York, but he grew up in Minneappolis, where he started out as a producer, playing in local jazz clubs, before joining one of the greatest funk sensations on the contemporary music scene, the band Vulfpeck.

Known for his improvisational skills and a happy, easy-going spirit that is always present during his performances, he became also famous for his flexible right wrist, that brings out his specific, percussionist style of guitar playing.

Always being an optimist, he goes through life with a giant smile on his face, saying that his goal is a lot stronger and bigger that people thinking he plays guitar well.

When he was 16, Wong suffered a head injury that resulted in loss of feeling in his right arm, which is interesting, taking in account that his flexibile right arm is what will make him famous years later. Doctor’s prognosis were bad, but he managed to push through all the difficulties with his positive spirit, that can also be felt in his album „The Optimist“, that ended up in the top 20 jazz albums on Billboard’s list.

Under the influence of Prince, Jackson, Metheny, Scofield and Frizell, he created a unique style that is melodic and gentle, while letting his funk out when the time is right.

By combining electric and acoustic playing skills, he created an authentic style with which he gained respect of some of the greatest contemporary music artists, his colleagues and jammers.

He released his new album, „Motivational Music for the Syncopated Soul“, which tells a story about him following his music path and decided not to be burdened by the idea of „having a real job“: „I woke up one day and realized that music really is what I was created to do. So I decided to go full speed into music and haven’t looked back since.”

Cory Wong will peform in Belgrade for the first time his band, on 7th of November.

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