Webinar Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia: Legal and Market Framework and Potential

Organized by the Economic and Trade Department of the Spanish Embassy, the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and the Renewable Energy Sources Association of Serbia (RES), a webinar on the potential of the renewable energy sector in Serbia was held for Spanish companies interested in investing and developing the energy sector in Serbia.

The new legal framework and potential projects in the field of renewable energy sources were presented by Ms Jovanka Atanacković, State Secretary at the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia and Assistant Minister Ms Natalija Luković, while the market potential from the private sector perspective was presented by Veljko Ožegović and Danijela Isailović, in front of the Renewable Energy Sources Association of Serbia.

The development of green energy is one of the priorities for the Ministry of Mining and Energy, and on its way to success in the energy transition, Serbia is counting on the help of its partners from the European Union and its member states. The plan is to raise the share of energy obtained from renewable sources to 40% by 2040, while at the same time Serbia is working on the process of decarbonisation, with the goal of becoming not only carbon neutral but “carbon positive” by 2050.

On the other hand, Spain is one of the European and world leaders in this sector, since it already receives 40% of the total amount of energy needed from renewable sources, and according to the long-term national strategy, it is planned to fully meet all energy needs based on renewable sources by 2050. Thanks to green energy, Spain manages to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by over 50 million tons per year on average, while this sector in Spain employs over 80,000 people.

The webinar was attended by representatives of over 20 Spanish companies – from those interested in direct investment, through companies whose technology and experience can help priority projects in Serbia, to the consulting companies engaged in the development of an environmentally conscious, sustainable economy.

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