What are new amendments to the Company Law?

What are the compensation policies and what do they entail? Which are the new obligations of certain individuals (persons with certain duties within companies) in case of a legal transaction or undertaking of an activity that include a personal interest? What are the new reasons for initiation of forced liquidation, and what is the role of the voting advisor/property manager and institutional investor, are just some of the topics discussed at the working breakfast held last week in organization of the Slovenian Business Club and Law firm Stankovic & Partners.

Danijela Fišakov, President of the Slovenian Business Club welcomed all the guests in her opening speech. Afterwards, the representatives from different industries were addressed by lawyers Andjelka Radovanović, Mitar Simonović and Luka Marosiuk on behalf of the Law firm Stankovic & Partners. Andjelka Radovanović dedicated part of her presentation to new obligations for the persons with special duties in a company, compensation fees for the director and members of the supervisory board in public joint stock companies and new reasons for forced liquidation. Mitar Simonović spoke about new obligations for all commercial entities in respect of their seat and eGovernment, new provisions regarding accession of the new shareholder to the limited liability company, as well as the amendments in terms of a possibility for the executive directors in the joint stock companies to be limited by co-signature, along with new commercial offences and penalties.

Purchase of a bankruptcy debtor as a legal entity, possibility to appoint a legal entity as the only legal representative of the company, consequences of nullity of the share transfer agreement, changes to the joint stock companies, such as what exactly can emission premium be used for, novelties in terms of approved capital, possibility of public joint stock companies to increase fixed capital through conversion of debt, right of the company to identify ultimate shareholders, as well as the differences between end users, shareholders and intermediaries,  obligations of the company in the process of forced repurchase of shares, are some of the topics covered by Luka Marosiuk.

After the presentations by the panelists, there was s a discussion with the participants, and we would hereby like to thank everyone for providing their contribution to this event.


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