Zaječarsko beer is launching a nationwide campaign called „Let’s Open the National Museum Together“ during which consumers across Serbia will be able to purchase a special series of cans.

The proceeds from the sale of these cans will go towards much needed completion of the renovation of the National Musem in Belgrade. As a brand that has a long tradition and heritage, Zaječarsko Beer will donate to the National Museum one dinar from each specially designed beer can that is sold in the period from 1st February to 15th June, 2018. During this period, the cans of Zaječarsko Beer will be re-designed to bear the images of the four iconic paintings – “Portrait of Vuk Karadžić” by Dimitrije Avramović, “Miloš, Marko and the Fairy” by Paja Jovanović, “The Šid Motif” by Sava Šumović, and “Tree in the Woods” by Nadežda Petrović. The National Museum was founded in 1844 with the aim of “collecting all antiques in one place and preserving them for future generations to enjoy”. Most of the Museum has been closed due to the renovation which started in 2003. In the coming months, Zaječarsko Beer will carry out a number of promotional and educational activities throughout the country with the aim of collecting funds for the completion of the renovation, and additionally informing the public about the importance of the four works of art by the outstanding Serbian painters.

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