Zaječarsko beer with our Olympians on the way to Tokyo 2020

Božidar Maljković, President of the Olympic Committee of Serbia and Alexandros Daniilidis, CEO of Heineken Serbia, on behalf of the brand Zaječarsko pivo, signed an agreement on further cooperation in the Olympic cycle TOKYO 2020.

“Congratulations to Mr. Maljkovic and the newly elected members of the Olympic Committee of Serbia. We are proud to be a partner with the Olympic Committee of Serbia, which lasted for eight years and we are happy for the continuation of cooperation in the next four years.”- said Alexandros Daniilidis. “We are very proud that our brand Zaječarsko beer, with the support of the citizens of Serbia, last year donated valuable resources for clubs who needed help.” he added. President of the Olympic Committee of Serbia, Božidar Maljković, expressed his appreciation for the continued cooperation and support to the National Olympic team. “It is a great pleasure to have such a partner”- said Maljković.

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