А prize in Poland for achievement in the field of neuroscience for PhD Christos Alexopoulos

The 27th European Psychiatric Association Conference was held in the Polish capital of Warsaw from April 6 to 9. Representatives of the National Psychiatric Association as well as international representatives from 88 countries, among which was also a director and professor of vocational studies at the CAHS Cuprija PhD Christos Alexopoulos. The European Psychiatric Association is the main association that represents psychiatry in Europe. The activities of the association relate to the interests of psychiatrists in the academic community, research and practice in all stages of career development. Under the slogan “Improving Psychiatry and Mental Health Protection in Europe”, the EPA also deals with psychiatry and related disciplines and focuses on improving mental health care and professional development.

Also in Warsaw, the European Research Association awarded Dr Christos Alexopoulos Chopin Award, the most prominent Polish culture representative, symbol of Poland, for achievement in the field of neuroscience. On this occasion Alexopoulos stated:

“It is a great honor for me to receive this award precisely in the area of my basic interest. Science and people who deal with it are the future of our development. Investing in science and research is an investment in the future of mankind. Serbia is on a good path of development, and it represents a great potential as a country with a large number of scientists. In the past few years, we have improved our research potential. In support of this, Serbia is participating in the global world production of scientific papers with 0.3 percent and ranked 47th in the list of over 140 countries. Out of the total number of results, 88 percent are papers published in international or national journals with a review, and in top international magazines with the highest two-year values of impact factors, 36 percent of the total number of scientific papers originating from Serbia were published. ”

PhD Christos Alexopoulos is a professor of professional studies at the CAHS Cuprija, president of the Serbian Space Agency and member of the International Association of Space Medicine, author and co-author of numerous papers in the field of neurology.

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